Sunday 17 November 2013


They sat facing one another
Inside the shoddy bar
Swarthy figures
Like in American cartoons
Their visages waxen
Looks distant
Cadaverous blank

The figures of Jesus On The Cross
His pain lighted
By a low watt crimson bulb
Smiling Lord Ganesh
Granting boons
With burnt-out incense sticks
Before him
Presided over the scene
Each had a burden
Perhaps the dejection
Due to cruel rejection
Of the past to bury
Or a long-lost love
A broken wedlock
Death of a sweet-heart
A broken heart of some sort

They sat
Puffing at their fags
Or beedis
Or whatever they had
The glow at the tip
Of what they smoked
Said it all
The burn that rued their hearts

Aches of the like
The winds of the plains
Could hardly hope to sooth
Angst the wisdom
Of the silent mounts around
Could ever undo

They sat puffing and drinking
In silence at the cacophonous bar
Shoddy, dilapidated
Infested with flies
Flying insects and mice
Dreaming they could once again
Sit with their kids
Under hurricane lamps
Late into the night
Helping them with their lessons
As the clouds rumbled
On distant mountain tops

As their wives garnished
Some favourite dish
In smoky kitchens unlit
Wiping burning eyes
With greying sari tips
Later to return
To their late night beds
To grant midnight warmth
Of sweat and love
That made the nights
More odoriferous
Than the incense burnt
Before indifferent Gods

They longed and longed
As every drink sank
Into their burning core
To return to the shores of love afar
As the world outside brimmed
Calling them drunkards
Refusing to grant
There are addictions of sorts
Religion, power and fads
Women, avarice, greed
That ruined humankind
More than the drinks
The entire humanity drank
With their glasses emptied
They would now decamp
Like moths fleeing a dying lamp
Into the night's waiting arms
To the big bar under the shimmering stars
Where the cups are full again
With tears frothing in grief and pain

Where they would lie wide awake
After a fitful nap past midnight
On their unkempt beds like dried up twigs
To roll and roll alone in pain
Sob and cry again in vain
And sing to far off receding plains
Where their solace hidden remains




A banner in a remote village of Kerala
Greets the worthy son of Maharashtra
Fluttering in the mountain breeze
His smile excels the morning sunshine

A teenage fan of Sachin
In that tribal hinterland
Had hung the banner aloft
On swaying tree tops
As the hero of her heart
Was all set to begin
His last test innings
In far-off Mumbai miles across

Her love for the star was evident
In the manner the passing winds
Fondled his gleaming visage
No doubt what connected the fan
And Sachin across miles of the land
Was the breeze that flowed unseen
The breath of the Nation
A profound Indianness
Born out of centuries
Of lovely cultural co-existence

Whether he scored a ton
Or a lesser yet precious seventyfour
Sachin once again proved
He could bind the Nation
Keep it spell-bound
Together in a fondly clasp
A feat not a single soul
Of our land can these days
Dare claim to perform
Be he a leader or a saint

Faith, age, language
Or region had no place
In this adhesive embrace
Which the magic of Sachin spun
As the Nation listened to his farewell address
With bated breath, thumping heart
And overflowing eyes

They would replay the speech again and again
Be together and shed tears
For days and days to come
So their India will sure endure
Held together by an eternal bond

Sachin, you batted in days
When the game got commercialized
By money-makers who reduced
The number of overs to suit their whims
Flouted discipline and rules
Made pawns out of batsmen
Who hit left and right to spin their tons
Like buffaloes let lose in muddy ponds

You stood the tide
Never pawned your artistry
Immaculate form and grace
Dedication and punctuality
In a manner resolute
Acclaimed internationally
Played the game with the demeanour
Of great Englishmen of yore
Least swayed by the luring machinations
Of the greedy who indulged
In match-fixing deals
And got embroiled in politics and scandals
With women, loot and wine

You proved yourself
A great son of India
Akin to the Mahatma
A role-model for the new generation
A beacon that should now
Show the way and lead them ahead
To their destiny in togetherness

The Nation roars in unison
Sachin can’t retire and leave
He is the fittest person to lead
Having his mettle doubtlessly proved
The mantle of the Nation
Has fallen on your shoulders
The mandate has never been so clear
So pick the new bat of our love, Sir
Autograph it in the shining ink
Of your truthfulness, courage
Deep wisdom and composure
Get into the Indian crease and hit
Sixes into our skies and beyond

Please do proud
Of the great land of the Ganges
We are out on the grounds
Holding the tricolour
Under the vast Indian skies
To run with you our torch-bearer
And celebrate your triumphs
The breeze and winds will follow
As we together make our morrow
Breathing India in unison